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Examine the following snippet of PL/SQL code:
Identify OPEN statements for opening the cursor that fetches the result set consisting of employees with JOB_ID as
`ST_CLERK\\’ and SALARY greater than 3000. (Choose three.)
A. OPEN c1 (NULL, 3000);
B. OPEN c1 (emp_job, 3000);
C. OPEN c1 (3000, emp_salary);
D. OPEN c1 (`ST_CLERK\\’, 3000)
E. OPEN c1 (emp_job, emp_salary);
Correct Answer: BDE
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the SALGRADE table.
What is the outcome?
A. It is created successfully.
B. It gives an error because the return clause condition is invalid.
C. It gives an error because the usage of the host variables is invalid.
D. It gives an error because the data type of the return clause is invalid.
Correct Answer: C
ORDER_TOTAL is a column in the ORDERS table with the data type and size as NUMBER (8, 2). Examine the
following code:
Which statement is correct about the above code?
A. It gives an error in line 3.
B. It gives an error in line 4.
C. It gives an error in line 6.
D. It executes successfully and displays the output.
Correct Answer: B
Which two statements are true about triggers? (Choose two.)
A. All the triggers that are created on a table cannot be disabled simultaneously.
B. Any user who has the alter privilege on a table can create a trigger using that table.
C. Oracle provides a two-phase commit process whether a trigger updates tables in the local database or remote tables
in a distributed database.
D. Triggers become invalid if a dependent object, such as 3 stored subprogram that is invoked from the trigger body is
modified, and have to be manually recompiled before the next invocation.
Correct Answer: CD
Which statements are true about PL/SQL procedures? (Choose two.)
A. Users with definer\\’s rights who are granted access to a procedure that updates a table must be granted access to
the table itself.
B. Reuse of parsed PL/SQL code that becomes available in the shared SQL area of the server avoids the parsing
overhead of SQL statements at run time.
C. Depending on the number of calls, multiple copies of the procedure are loaded into memory for execution by multiple
users to speed up performance.
D. A PL/SQL procedure executing on the Oracle database can call an external procedure or function that is written in a
different programming language, such as C or Java.
Correct Answer: BD
Examine the following code: Which statement is true about the execution of the above code?
A. It executes and displays null.
B. It executes and the condition returns true.
C. It executes and control goes to the else statement.
D. It fails because no value is assigned to the v_myage variable.
Correct Answer: C
Examine the following PL/SQL code:
The serveroutput is on for the session. Which statement is true about the execution of the code?
A. It displays NULL if no employee with employee_id 123 exists.
B. It produces the ORA-01403: no data found error if no employee with employee_id 123 exists.
C. It displays an error because the SELECT * INTO clause cannot be used to populate the PL/SQL record type.
D. The code executes successfully even if no employee with employee_id 123 exists and displays Record Not Found.
Correct Answer: B
View Exhibit 1 and examine the structure of the EMP and DEPT tables.
View Exhibit 2 and examine the trigger code that is defined on the DEPT table to enforce the UPDATE and DELETE
RESTRICT referential actions on the primary key of the DEPT table.
What is the outcome on compilation?
A. It compiles and executes successfully.
B. It gives an error on compilation because it is not a row-level trigger.
C. It gives an error on compilation because the EXCEPTION section is used in the trigger.
D. It compiles successfully but gives an error on execution because it is not a row-level trigger.
Correct Answer: B
What is the correct definition of the persistent state of a packaged variable?
A. It is a private variable defined in a procedure or function within a package body whose value is consistent within a
user session.
B. It is a public variable in a package specification whose value is consistent within a user session.
C. It is a private variable in a package body whose value is consistent across all current active sessions.
D. It is a public variable in a package specification whose value is always consistent across all current active sessions.
Correct Answer: B
View the Exhibit to examine the PL/SQL code.
SERVEROUTPUT is on for the session.
Which statement is true about the execution of the code?
A. The execution fails because of the misplaced else clause.
B. The execution is successful even if there is no employee with EMPLOYEE_ID 115.
C. The execution fails and throws exceptions if no employee with EMPLOYEE_ID 115 is found.
D. The execution is successful, but it displays an incorrect output if no employee with EMPLOYEE_ID 115 is found.
Correct Answer: C
Examine the following package specification.
search_emp (empdet DATE); PROCEDURE search_emp (empdet NUMBER); RETURN VERCHAR2 PROCEDURE
search_emp (empdet NUMBER); RETURN DATE END emp_pkg /
The package is compiled successfully
Why would it generate an error at run tune?
A. Because function cannot be overload.
B. Because function cannot differ only in return type.
C. Because all the functions and procedures in the package cannot have the same number of parameters with the same
parameter name.
D. Because the search EMP (EMPDET NUMBER) procedure and the SEARCH_DEPT (EMPDET NUMBER) cannot
have identical parameter names and data types.
Correct Answer: B
View Exhibit 1 and examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table.
User SCOTT needs to generate a text report that contains the names of all employees and their salaries.
Examine the following commands issued by the DBA:
SQL>CREATE DIRECTORY my_dir AS \\’/temp/my_files\\’;
View Exhibit 2 and examine the procedure code.
You issue the following command:
SQL>EXEC sal_status (\\’MY_DIR\\’, `EMPREPORT.TXT\\’)
What is the outcome?
A. It executes successfully and creates the report.
B. It gives an error because the text file should be opened in append mode.
C. It gives an error because the “no data found” condition is not handled to come out of the loop.
D. It gives an error because user SCOTT should be granted both read and write privileges to the directory alias.
E. It executes but no data is written to the text file because the FFLUSH subprogram is not used to write all the data
buffered in memory to a file.
Correct Answer: A
You execute the following block of code: Which statement is true about the outcome?
A. Both output statements show different values.
B. Both output statements show exactly the same values.
C. It gives an error because the nested blocks are not labeled.
D. It gives an error because the V_CUSTOMER variable cannot have different types in the nested blocks.
Correct Answer: A
to sum up:
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