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A plant runs 24×7 daily using three continuous shifts of 8 hours each. One unit of equipment resource R1 is assigned
to each of the three shifts. On a specific work order, the resource R1 is required to work for 2 hours. The resource is set
up with an efficiency of 50% and utilization of 100%. R1 is scheduled to start on the given work order at noon. What time
will R1 be scheduled to finish, assuming no calendar exceptions have been set?
A. 8:00 PM
B. 12:30 PM
C. 2:00 PM
D. 4:00 PM
E. 1:00 PM
Correct Answer: D
Work order costs are computed based on material and resource transactions reported and the cost method of the
product. In a manufacturing plant, the production operator has completed a work order WO001 ensuring proper
materials and resource transactions. The materials are costed and resources are defined with rates.
A cost accountant has created cost accounting distributions. Upon reviewing the accounting distributions of the work order WO-001, resources charged to the work order are missing. Identify the Concurrent Request that needs to be submitted to transfer resource charges to cost accounting.
A. Create accounting
B. Transfer Transactions from Production to Costing
C. Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing
D. Transfer Costs to Cost Management
Correct Answer: B
Identify four parameters that are considered in the calculation of manufacturing lead time in Oracle Manufacturing
A. Resource calendars of the work centers involved
B. The primary work definition of the item
C. The lot size of the item
D. The shifts are defined in the plant calendar
E. Plant calendar exceptions
F. Resource calendar exceptions
Correct Answer: BCDF
A plant operates three continuous daily shifts of eight hours each for five days a week. One unit of the resource R1
within the plant is assigned for two shifts to work area W1.
On a particular day in a given week, due to unscheduled maintenance that needed to be performed on the resource R1, it was not available for two hours during each of the assigned shifts. Determine the available capacity of the resource R1 for that week.
A. 78 hours
B. 76 hours
C. 60 hours
D. 70 hours
Correct Answer: A
In your customer\’s manufacturing facility, different types of Movement Requests are created. Key manufacturing
components are issued to the work orders from the manufacturing subinventory. The manufacturing subinventory
receives its supplies from the Warehouse subinventory through automatically created Movement Requests.
Which type of Movement Requests should you use to fill the manufacturing subinventory from the Warehouse subinventory?
A. Batch Wave Movement Requests
B. Pick Wave Movement Requests
C. Replenishment Requests
D. Requisition Movement Requests
Correct Answer: D
The Cost Accountant has reported to the Production Supervisor that the Work Order transactions are not
getting transferred to Costing.
Identify the reason for work order transactions not getting transferred to Costing.
A. The Manage Item Rules setup is not complete.
B. The Costing Interfaced Attribute is enabled in the resource definition.
C. The item was made inactive after the Work Order transaction.
D. The Costing Interfaced Attribute is not enabled in the resource definition.
Correct Answer: D
Identify two conditions that should be met at the same time for a Standard Operation to be called an Optional
A. There are no components attached to it.
B. The Automatically Transact check box is deselected.
C. The Automatically Transact check box is selected.
D. The Count Point check is selected.
E. The Count Point check box is deselected.
Correct Answer: BE
During a Manufacturing Cloud implementation, the customer requests to develop Oracle Transactional
Business Intelligence reports that are not available out-of-the-box.
Identify the tool that is available to the Report Developer in Manufacturing Cloud to develop the reports.
A. Oracle Business Intelligence Standard Edition
B. Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
C. Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
D. Oracle Business Intelligence Application
Correct Answer: B
In a manufacturing plant, the work definition and rate plans of Material, Resource, and Overhead of an assembly have
been defined as required. A cost accountant created different scenarios to represent different manufacturing and cost
assumptions and compare the results.
When the cost assumptions are finalized, the cost accountant is expected to publish the cost scenario to cost accounting. Identify three process steps that the cost accountant has to perform to transfer the assembly to cost accounting in frozen type.
A. Publish cost planning scenario to Accounting.
B. Build cost planning scenario and perform cost roll-up.
C. Create Accounting Distributions.
D. Transfer transactions from production to Costing.
E. Define a cost planning scenario with Material, Resource, Overhead cost plans, and work definition.
F. Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing.
Correct Answer: CEF
The production user wants to report Work Order completion. Identify two ways of reporting the progress of work order at
work order operation level.
A. Change Move status to Ready.
B. Complete using quantity completion
C. Complete with Details
D. Quick Complete
E. Change status of Operation to completed
Correct Answer: CD
A Work Center created a month ago is no longer in use now. You want to remove the Work Center; however, the system is not allowing you to delete it. Identify three reasons for this.
A. There are resources associated with the Work Center.
B. The Work Center is being referenced in the Closed Work Order.
C. The Work Center is being referenced in the Open Work Order.
D. The work center is being referenced in the work definition operation.
E. The work center is being referenced in the Work Area.
Correct Answer: ACE
A Production Supervisor queries a Work Order (WO-1025) from the manage Work Orders page. On the
Entering Edit Work Order: WO-1025 page, he finds General Information, Operations, and History tab, but
not the Reservations tab.
Identify the two reasons that can cause the Reservations tab not to be displayed.
A. Work Order (WO-1025) is not a Configured item Work Order.
B. Work Order (WO-1025) is not a Back-to-Back Work Order.
C. Work Order (WO-1025) is not a Drop-Ship Work Order.
D. Work Order (WO-1025) is not a Pick-to-order Work Order.
E. Work Order (WO-1025) is not a Plan-to-produce Work Order.
Correct Answer: AC
During a Manufacturing Cloud implementation, the Production Supervisor wants to close the work orders for last month
and wants to make sure that the work orders include the correct cost. Identify the approach to be taken by the
Production Supervisor.
A. The Production Supervisor need not include cost variances while costing last month\\’s work orders because those
can be applied directly in sub-ledger accounting.
B. The Production Supervisor needs to include all costs and variances in last month\\’s work orders and close them;
however, the work orders where updates are expected, should not be closed.
C. The Production Supervisor should make sure that all costs are included while closing last month\\’s work orders;
however, variances can be included after closing the work orders.
D. Work order costs can be updated anytime regardless of the status of the work order.
Correct Answer: B
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