Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 Exam Latest Questions and Guide

Oracle Database SQL Certified Questions and Guide

This article lists the latest questions and guidelines for the Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 exam to help you pass the exam and become an Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate.

An effective way to pass the exam easily is to practice effectively with Pass4itSure 1Z0-071 Exam Latest Questions ( to improve your chances of success in the Oracle Database 12c SQL 1Z0-071 exam.

Studying for a 1Z0-071 exam is essential to know everything about it.

Oracle Database SQL Exam Number: 1Z0-071 exam details

What is the 1Z0-071 exam related to? The 1Z0-071 exam is relevant to the database administrator role, and passing the exam leads to becoming an Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate. You can also earn the database administrator certification if you can also pass the exam.
How many questions are there on the exam? 63 questions
What are the question types for the Oracle Database SQL exam? Multiple-choice questions
What is the format of the 1Z0-071 exam? Conducted by computer (not handwritten)
How long is the exam? Two hours
Where has the 1Z0-071 exam version been updated? The exam has been validated against Oracle Database and later version 19c
What topics are included in the 1Z0-071 exam? Relational Database concepts, Restricting and Sorting Data, Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output, Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions, Reporting Aggregated Data Using Group Functions, Displaying Data from Multiple Tables, Using Subqueries to Solve Queries, Using SET Operators, Managing Tables using DML statements, Managing Indexes Synonyms and Sequences, Use DDL to manage tables and their relationships, Managing Views, Controlling User Access, Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views, Managing Data in Different Time Zones
What materials should you obtain to pass the 1Z0-071 exam? Pass4itSure 1Z0-071 Exam Latest Questions
Where can I get the latest practice questions for exam 1Z0-071?
Did you know about the discounts on the 1Z0-071 exam? It’s cost-effective to purchase a voucher from Oracle and redeem it at a test center. In addition, you can get a 10% discount when you purchase Pass4itSure 1Z0-071 exam questions using coupon “save10“.
What level of certification does the Oracle Certified SQL Assistant belong to? is an entry-level certification

How to study for Oracle Database SQL exam, 1Z0-071 exam guide

How should I prepare to pass the Oracle Database SQL1Z0-071 exam? Here is the latest guide to the 1Z0-071 exam:

Follow the study steps below to avoid detours in the exam.

  • Learn the official Oracle 1Z0-071 resources
  • Practice Pass4itSure 1Z0-071 Exam Latest Questions
  • Then review the practice process in time
  • Supplement other learning resources (e.g. books, videos, instructors, etc.)

Focus on practicing the latest questions of the 1Z0-071 exam and reviewing them promptly!

Of course, the advice here may not suit everyone, so you can choose according to your needs.

1Z0-071 exam free questions

Come from: Pass4itSure
Quantity: 1-15
Last updated: 1Z0-071 exam free questions

Question 1:

You create a table named 123. Which statement runs successfully?


B. SELECT * FROM andapos;123andapos;;

C. SELECT * FROM “123”;

D. SELECT * FROM Vandapos;123Vandapos;;

Correct Answer: C

Question 2:

You create a table by using this command:

CREATE TABLE rate_list (rate NUMBER(6,2));

Which two are true about executing statements?

A. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (0.999) produces an error.

B. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (-.9) inserts the value as -.9.

C. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (87654.556) inserts the value as 87654.6.

D. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (-10) produces an error.

E. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (-99.99) inserts the value as 99.99.

F. INSERT INTO rate_list VALUES (0.551) inserts the value as .55.

Correct Answer: BF

Question 3:

Which two statements are true about selecting related rows from two tables based on entity relationship diagram (ERD)?

A. Relating data from a table with data from the same table is implemented with a self-join.

B. An inner join relates rows within the same table.

C. Rows from unrelated tables cannot be joined.

D. Implementing a relationship between two tables might require joining additional tables.

E. Every relationship between the two tables must be implemented in a Join condition.

Correct Answer: AD

Question 4:

Examine these statements that execute successfully:

1Z0-071 exam free questions 4

Both statements display departments ordered by their average salaries.

Which two are true? (Choose two.)

A. Both statements will execute successfully if you add E.AVG_SAL to the select list.

B. Both statements will display departments with no employees.

C. Only the second statement will execute successfully if you add E.AVG_SAL to the select list.

D. Only the first statement will display departments with no employees.

E. Only the second statement will display departments with no employees.

F. Only the first statement will execute successfully if you add E.AVG_SAL to the select list.

Correct Answer: BC

Question 5:

Examine the description of the PRODUCT_STATUS table:

1Z0-071 exam free questions 5

The STATUS column contains the values \’IN STOCK\’ or \’OUT OF STOCK\’ for each row.

Which two queries will execute successfully?

A. SELECT prod_id “CURRENT AVAILABILITY” || q\'(\’s not available)\’ FROM product_status WHERE status = \’OUT OF STOCK\’;

B. SELECT prod_id || q\’s not available\’\’ FROM product_status WHERE status=\’OUT OF STOCK\’;

C. SELECT prod_id || q\'(\’s not available)\’ “CURRENT AVAILABILITY” FROM product_status WHERE status = \’OUT OF STOCK\’;

D. SELECT prod_id || q\'(\’s not available)\’ FROM product_status WHERE status = \’OUT OF STOCK\’;

E. SELECT prod_id || q\'(\’s not available)\’ \’CURRENT AVAILABILITY\’ FROM product_status WHERE status = \’OUT OF STOCK\’;

F. SELECT prod_id || q”\’s not available” FROM product_status WHERE status = \’OUT OF STOCK\’;

Correct Answer: CD

Question 6:

Which two statements are true about dropping views? (Choose two.)

A. The creator of a view to be dropped must have the DROP ANY VIEW privilege.

B. Data selected by a view\’s defining query is deleted from its underlying tables when the view is dropped.

C. Views referencing a dropped view become invalid.

D. Read-only views cannot be dropped.

E. CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified when referential integrity constraints on other objects refer to primary or unique keys in the view to be dropped.

Correct Answer: CE

Question 7:

Which three statements are true about dropping and unused columns in an Oracle database? (Choose three.)

A. An UNUSED column\’s space is reclaimed automatically when the row containing that column is next queried.

B. A column that is set to UNUSED still counts towards the limit of 1000 columns per table.

C. A DROP COLUMN command can be rolled back.

D. A primary key column referenced by another column as a foreign key can be dropped if using the CASCADE option.

E. An UNUSED column\’s space is reclaimed automatically when the block containing that column is next queried.

F. Partition key columns cannot be dropped.

Correct Answer: BDF

Question 8:

View the exhibit and examine the structure in the ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables.

1Z0-071 exam free questions 8

You need to create a view that displays the ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, and the total number of items in each order.

Which CREATE VIEW statement would create the view successfully?

A. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ord_vu AS SELECT o.order_id, o.order_date, COUNT (i.line_item_id) FROM orders o JOIN order_items i ON (o.order_id = i.order_id) GROUP BY o.order_id, o.order_date;

B. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ord_vu (order_id, order_date) AS SELECT o.order_id, o.order_date, COUNT (i.line_item_id) “NO OF ITEMS” FROM orders o JOIN order_items i ON (o.order_id = i.order_id) GROUP BY o.order_id, o.order_date;

C. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ord_vu AS SELECT o.order_id, o.order_date, COUNT (i.line_item_id) “NO OF ITEMS” FROM orders o JOIN order_items i ON (o.order_id = i.order_id) GROUP BY o.order_id, o.order_date;

D. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ord_vu AS SELECT o.order_id, o.order_date, COUNT (i.line_item_id) || “NO OF ITEMS” FROM orders o JOIN order_items i ON (o.order_id = i.order_id) GROUP BY o.order_id, o.order_date WITH CHECK OPTION;

Correct Answer: C

Question 9:

Which two statements are true about views? (Choose two.)

A. The WITH CHECK clause prevents certain rows from being updated or inserted in the underlying table through the view.

B. The WITH CHECK clause prevents certain rows from being displayed when querying the view.

C. Views can be indexed.

D. Views can be updated without the need to re-grant privileges on the view.

E. Tables in the defining query of a view must always exist to create the view.

Correct Answer: AD

Question 10:

Examine the BRICKS table:

1Z0-071 exam free questions 10

You write this query:


FROM bricks b1 CROSS JOIN bricks b2

WHERE b1. Weight < b2. Weight:

How many rows will the query return?

B. 16

C. 10

D. 6

E. 4

F. 0

Correct Answer: D

Question 11:

View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCT INFORMATION and INVENTORIEStables.

1Z0-071 exam free questions 11

You have a requirement from the supplies department to give a list containing PRODUCT _ID, SUPPLIER ID, and QUANTITY_ON HAND for all the products where QUANTITY ON HAND is less than five.

Which two SQL statements can accomplish the task? (Choose two)

A. SELECT product id, quantity on hand, supplier id FROM product information NATURAL JOIN inventories AND quantity .on hand < 5;

B. SELECT i. product id, i. quantity .on hand, pi. supplier_id FROM product_information pi JOIN inventories i ON (pi. product. id=i. product id) AND quantity on hand < 5;

C. SELECT i. product_id, i. quantity_on hand, pi. supplier id FROM product information pi JOIN inventories i USING (product id) AND quantity .on hand < 5;

D. SELECT i.product id, i. quantity on hand, pi. supplier id FROM product information pi JOIN inventories i ON (pi.product id=i. product id)WHERE quantity on hand < 5;

Correct Answer: BD

Question 12:

Which three items does the direction of a relationship contain?

A. an attribute

B. a cardinality

C. label

D. an optionality

E. a unique identifier

F. an entity

Correct Answer: ABF

Question 13:

Which three actions can you perform by using the ALTER TABLE command? (Choose three.)

A. Drop pseudo columns from a table.

B. Restrict all DML statements on a table.

C. Lock a set of rows in a table.

D. Rename a table.

E. Drop all columns simultaneously from a table.

F. Enable or disable constraints on a table.

Correct Answer: BDF

Question 14:

Examine the description of the CUSTOMERS table CUSTNO is the PRIMARY KEY.

1Z0-071 exam free questions 14

You must determine if any customers have been entered more than once using a different cost,by listing duplicate name

Which two methods can you use to get the required result?

A. RIGHT OUTER JOIN with Seif join

B. FULL OUTER JOIN with Seif join


D. seif join

E. LEFT OUTER JOIN with Seif join

Correct Answer: CD

Question 15:

Examine these statements and the result:

1Z0-071 exam free questions 15

Now examine this command:

1Z0-071 exam free questions 15-2

What must replace MISSING CLAUSE for CUSTOMER_SEQ.NEXTVAL to return 11?






Correct Answer: B

Become Olaquelda Tabass Sestifer Asosiat considered

Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate is ultimately going for database administrators. There are two market-recognized certifications to consider to become a database administrator: Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate Certification 1Z0-071 (the protagonist of this article) and Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Certification 1Z0-062.

If you choose to start your career as a database administrator, you will face a huge amount of responsibility and numerous options.

As a database administrator with an Oracle Certified Associate, Professional, or Master certification and expert-level skills, you can build on this as a foundation for your career to become an expert in many areas. This is especially important for those who are just starting in the workforce. With a strong foundation in place, your career roles and responsibilities will continue to expand as your skills develop, job requirements change or new roles increase.

The wide job market pushes you to work harder

In the digital age, where information reigns supreme, mastering the ability to derive insights from information is a valuable skill. You can think of the Oracle Database SQL1Z0-071 exam as a powerful language that can reveal the secrets hidden in the database.

Needless to say, a look at the job openings for Oracle database administrator-related occupations in the United States shows that there is a huge demand for database administrators around the world.


Start your career as an Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate today! Follow what you said above, use Pass4itSure 1Z0-071 exam’s latest questions ( correctly to strengthen your practice, review in time, get the certification, and run to a high salary.