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From | Number of exam questions | Associated certification | Type |
Pass4itsure | 15 | Oracle Database | Free |
Question 1:
The CUSTOMERS table has a CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT column of data type NUMBER.
Which two queries execute successfully? (Choose two.)
A. SELECT NVL(cust_credit_limit * .15, `Not Available\’) FROM customers;
B. SELECT NVL2(cust_credit_limit * .15, `Not Available\’) FROM customers;
C. SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(cust_credit_limit * .15), `Not Available\’) FROM customers;
D. SELECT TO_CHAR(NVL(cust_credit_limit * .15, `Not Available\’)) FROM customers;
E. SELECT NVL2(cust_credit_limit, TO_CHAR(cust_credit_limit * .15), `Not Available\’) FROM customers;
Correct Answer: CE
A) SELECT NVL(cust_credit_limit * .15, \’Not Available\’) FROM customers;
B) SELECT NVL2(cust_credit_limit * .15, \’Not Available\’) FROM customers;
C) SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(cust_credit_limit * .15), \’Not Available\’) FROM customers;
D) SELECT TO_CHAR(NVL(cust_credit_limit * .15, \’Not Available\’)) FROM customers;
E) SELECT NVL2(cust_credit_limit, TO_CHAR(cust_credit_limit * .15), \’Not Available\’) FROM customers;
Question 2:
Which three statements are true about dropping and unused columns in an Oracle database? (Choose three.)
A. A primary key column referenced by another column as a foreign key can be dropped if using the CASCADE option.
B. An UNUSED column\’s space is reclaimed automatically when the block containing that column is next queried.
C. An UNUSED column\’s space is reclaimed automatically when the row containing that column is next queried.
D. Partition key columns cannot be dropped.
E. A DROP COLUMN command can be rolled back
F. A column that is set to UNUSED still counts towards the limit of 1000 columns per table
Correct Answer: ADF
Answer A is RIGHT: Orders are Parent table with PRIMARY KEY ord_no, Order_items is child table which ord_no is REFERENCE KEY that references ord_no of the Parent table, now drop PRIMARY KEY on Orders by command: ALTER TABLE orders DROP COLUMN ORD_NO CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; Answer D is RIGHT: ORA-12984: cannot drop partitioning column Answer F is RIGHT: Unused Columns Count against 1000-column Table Limit Causing ORA-01792 on Compressed Table (Doc ID 2259600.1) and “ORA-01792: Maximum Number Of Columns In A Table Or View Is 1000” AND HIDDEN_COLUMN name is recreated with date and timestamp (Doc ID 2624150.1)
Question 3:
Which two statements are true about views used for viewing tablespace and datafile information? (Choose two.)
A. Tablespace free space can be viewed in V$TABLESPACE
B. V$TABLESPACE displays information that is contained in the control file about tablespaces
C. V$TABLESPACE displays information about tablespaces contained in the data dictionary
D. Tablespace free space can be viewed in DBA_TABLESPACES
E. A datafile can be renamed when the database is in MOUNT state and the new file name is displayed when querying DBA_DATA_FILES after the database is opened
Correct Answer: BE
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
E correct.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1375731600 bytes
Fixed Size 8896400 bytes
Variable Size 838860800 bytes
Database Buffers 520093696 bytes
Redo Buffers 7880704 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database move datafile \’/oradata/ORA19/testing1.dbf\’ to \’/oradata/ORA19/testing01.dbf\’;
Question 4:
Which two statements are true about the PMON background process? (Choose two.)
A. It registers database services with all local and remote listeners known to the database instance
B. It frees resources held by abnormally terminated processes
C. It records checkpoint information in the control file
D. It frees unused temporary segments
E. It kills sessions that exceed the idle time
Correct Answer: BE
Question 5:
Which four account management capabilities can be configured using Oracle profiles? (Choose four.)
A. the number of hours for which an account is locked after the configured number of login attempts has been reached
B. the number of days for which an account may be inactive before it is locked
C. the maximum amount of CPU time allowed for a user\’s sessions before their account is locked
D. the ability to prevent a password from ever being reused
E. the number of password changes required within a period of time before a password can be reused
F. the number of days for which an account is locked after the configured number of login attempts has been reached
G. the maximum number of sessions permitted for a user before the account is locked
Correct Answer: ABEF
Question 6:
Which two are true about shrinking a segment online? (Choose two.)
A. It is not possible to shrink either indexes or Index Organized Tables (IOTs)
B. It always eliminates all migrated rows if any exist in the table
C. To shrink a table it must have a PRIMARY KEY constraint
D. To shrink a table it must have a UNIQUE KEY constraint
E. To shrink a table it must have row movement enabled
F. It must be in a tablespace that uses Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM)
Correct Answer: EF
Question 7:
Evaluate these commands which execute successfully:

Which two statements are true about the ORD_ITEMS table and the ORD_SEQ sequence? (Choose two.)
A. If sequence ORD_SEQ is dropped then the default value for column ORD_NO will be NULL for rows inserted into ORD_ITEMS
B. Any user inserting rows into table ORD_ITEMS must have been granted access to sequence ORD_SEQ
C. Column ORD_NO gets the next number from sequence ORD_SEQ whenever a row is inserted into ORD_ITEMS and no explicit value is given for ORD_NO
D. Sequence ORD_SEQ cycles back to 1 after every 5000 numbers and can cycle 20 times
E. Sequence ORD_SEQ is guaranteed not to generate duplicate numbers
Correct Answer: BC
Question 8:
Which two statements are true about the rules of precedence for operators? (Choose two.)
A. The concatenation operator | | is always evaluated before addition and subtraction in an expression
B. NULLS influence the precedence of operators in an expression
C. The + binary operator has the highest precedence in an expression in a SQL statement
D. Arithmetic operators with equal precedence are evaluated from left to right within an expression
E. Multiple parentheses can be used to override the default precedence of operators in an expression
Correct Answer: DE
Precedence is the order in which Oracle evaluates different operators in the same expression. When evaluating an expression containing multiple operators, Oracle evaluates operators with higher precedence before evaluating those with lower precedence. Oracle evaluates operators with equal precedence from left to right within an expression.
Question 9:
Which three statements are true about table data storage in an Oracle Database? (Choose three.)
A. Data block headers contain their own Data Block Address (DBA)
B. A table row piece can be chained across several database blocks
C. Multiple row pieces from the same row may be stored in different database blocks
D. Multiple row pieces from the same row may be stored in the same block
E. Data block-free space is always contiguous in the middle of the block
F. Index block-free space is always contiguous in the middle of the block
Correct Answer: ABC
Question 10:
Which three statements are true about time zones, date data types, and timestamp data types in an Oracle database? (Choose three.)
A. The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function returns data without time zone information
B. A TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE data type column is stored in the database using the time zone of the session that inserted the row
C. A TIMESTAMP data type column contains information about year, month, and day
D. The DBTIMEZONE function can return an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
E. The SESSIONTIMEZONE function can return an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)
Correct Answer: CDE
“TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE is another variant of TIMESTAMP that is sensitive to time zone information. It differs from TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in that data stored in the database is normalized to the database time zone, and the time zone information is not stored as part of the column data. When a user retrieves the data, Oracle returns it in the user\’s local session time zone.”
So, the data is stored with the DB Timezone, even if it\’s retrieved with the session timezone. A is clearly wrong by example, so the rest are true. With D and E we can also have an easy sample, while for C, which is apparently the most ambiguous, I agree with whom was saying that the TIMESTAMP data type contains indeed information about day, month, and year, and in the answer is never stated that they are the only ones present. So as it\’s put, it\’s definitely right.
Question 11:
Which three statements are true about a self to join? (Choose three.)
A. The ON clause must be used
B. The query must use two different aliases for the table
C. It must be an equijoin
D. It must be an inner join
E. The ON clause can be used
F. It can be an outer join
Correct Answer: BEF
Question 12:
In one of your databases, the user HR has the password HRMGR.
You want to connect to a database instance whose listener listens on port 1531 by using this statement:
No name server is used.
Which statement is true about ORCL?
A. It must be the value of the SERVICE_NAMES parameter on the client side
B. It must resolve to a valid connect descriptor in the server\’s tnsnames.ora file
C. It must resolve to a valid connect descriptor in the client\’s tnsnames.ora file
D. It must be the name of the database to whose instance HR wishes to connect
E. It must be the name of the server running the database to whose instance HR wishes to connect
Correct Answer: C
Question 13:
In one of your databases, user KING is:
Not a DBA user
An operating system (OS) user
Examine this command and its output:

What must you do so that KING is authenticated by the OS when connecting to the database instance?
B. Have the OS administrator add KING to the OSDBA group
C. Grant DBA to KING
Correct Answer: E
Question 14:
Table EMPLOYEES contains columns including EMPLOYEE_ID, JOB_ID, and SALARY.
Only the EMPLOYEE_ID column is indexed.
Rows exist for employees 100 and 200.
Examine this statement:

Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. Employee 100 will have SALARY set to the same value as the SALARY of Employee 200
B. Employee 200 will have JOB_ID set to the same value as the JOB_ID of Employee 100
C. Employee 200 will have SALARY set to the same value as the SALARY of Employee 100
D. Employee 100 will have JOB_ID set to the same value as the JOB_ID of Employee 200
E. Employees 100 and 200 will have the same JOB_ID as before the update command
F. Employees 100 and 200 will have the same SALARY as before the update command
Correct Answer: AD
Question 15:
User U1 has a 1 MB quota in tablespace DATA.
U1 executes this command:
(SELECT object_name, sharing, created
FROM dba_objects);
U1 complains that the command is taking too long to execute.
In the alert log, the database administrator (DBA) finds this:
statement in resumable session `User U1(136), Session 1, Instance 1\’ was suspended due to ORA-01536:
space quota exceeded for tablespace `DATA\’
Which are three actions any one of which the DBA could take to resume the session? (Choose three.)
A. Add a data file to the DATA
B. Drop other U1 objects in the DATA
C. Increase U1\’s quota sufficiently in DATA
F. Set AUTOEXTEND ON for data files in DATA
Correct Answer: BCE
Set DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION to TRUE, when creating the table you are already inserting rows as select, therefore the segment has already been created the D is not.
Configure Set AUTOEXTEND ON for data files in DATA, if you have a 1M quota it will not work.
A. Add a data file to DATA — Won\’t help as the problem is quota to the user, not the space
B. Drop other U1 objects in DATA — Will help as it will reduce the used space from the quota for that user
C. Increase U1\’s quota sufficiently in DATA — Will help.
D. Set DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION to TRUE — Won\’t help, segments has to be created as its CTAS
E. Grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to U1 — Will help.
F. Set AUTOEXTEND ON for data files in DATA — Won\’t help as the problem is quota to the user not the space
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