[2018 IBM Dumps Video] Which site is the best for First-hand IBM 000-002 Dumps IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1 Certification (100+ Questions) 1-30

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000-002: IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1 braindumps consists all the necessary tools and information to help you pass 000-002 IBM certifications I certification exam. Pass4itsure first-hand IBM 000-002 dumps exams IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1 certification is a proctored exam offered by IBM. This exam is available in English. Pass4itsure 000-002 dumps q&as are the completely real original braindumps, which are researched and produced by only certified subject matter experts, and corrected by multiple times before publishing. Candidates connected with IT field can apply for 000-002 dumps IBM certification exams. Our practice tests are unparalleled in quality and are 100% guaranteed to make you pass your https://www.pass4itsure.com/000-002.html dumps exam.

With emphasis on performing the following tasks:

  • Create user account groups for mapping if not already created.
  • Map roles to user account groups.
  • Demonstrate user login and functionality.
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000-002 dumps

Following IBM 000-002 Dumps 137QAs Are All New Published By Pass4itsure (1-30)

1.How many zone set(s) can be active at the same time?
000-002 exam Answer:A

2.Which protocol is used to discover a CIMOM?

3.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center server directories and subdirectories need to be backed up on UNIX in case of a disaster?
B./usr/IBM/Tivoli/tip and /usr/IBM/TPC
C./opt/IBM/Tivoli/tip, /opt/IBM/replication, and /opt/IBM/TPC
D./usr/IBM/Tivoli/tip, /usr/IBM/replication, and /opt/IBM/TPC
000-002 dumps Answer:C

4.What are the default server components that will get installed when a typical installation with Servers is selected?
A.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data and Device
B.Tivoli Integrated Portal, Storage Resource agent, and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data Server
C.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data and Device, and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication
D.Tivoli Integrated Portal, IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication, and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data and Device

5.Which two items must be configured in IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center (Tivoli Storage Productivity Center) to send an alert to Tivoli Enterprise Center/OMNIbus? (Choose two.)
A.the default domain name
B.a fully qualified Tivoli Enterprise Console/OMNIbus Server
C.the IP address where Tivoli Enterprise Console/OMNIbus can be found
D.the Tivoli Enterprise Console/OMNIbus User ID and Password to gain access
E.the port number to which Tivoli Storage Productivity Center will direct Tivoli Enterprise
Console/OMNIbus events
000-002 pdf Answer:B E

6.The customer is requesting performance monitoring of NetApp storage subsystems. Which agent is required?
A.NetApp CIM agent (ONTAP SMI-S agent)
B.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Data agent
C.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Storage Resource agent
D.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Data agent and NetApp CIM agent

7.What are the correct steps to create a zone set?
A.Go to Fabric Manager->Fabrics->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.
B.Go to Disk Manager->Fabrics->Select Fabric->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.
C.Go to Data Manager->Fabrics->Select Fabric->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.
D.Go to Fabric Manager->Fabrics->Select Fabric->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.
000-002 vce Answer:D

8.After SMI-S agent of the fabric has completed its discovery, what is the next step before creating zone or zone set?
A.Run Probe.
B.Run Discovery.
C.Do not do anything else.
D.Run Performance Monitor job.

9.Where does a user go to run a CIMOM Discovery on the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI?
A.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOM
B.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIM agent
C.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> CIMOM Discovery
D.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> Discovery -> CIMOM
000-002 exam Answer:A

10.What are two methods to determine if a CIM agent contains the devices that it manages, after it has been added successfully on IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI? (Choose two.)
A.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOM/Agents->Show Managed Devices
B.Administrative Services->Data Sources->CIMOM/Agents->Show Managed Devices
C.Administrative Services->Data Sources->CIMOM/Agents->Select CIMOM->Show Managed Devices
D.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOM->Select CIMOM discovery log->Show Managed Devices
E.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOM->Select CIMOM discovery log->expand on the CIMOM log
Answer:C E

11.What is the minimum interval for data gathering by a switch performance monitor job?
A.1 minute
B.5 minutes
C.10 minutes
D.15 minutes
000-002 dumps Answer:B

12.Which device currently supports for Single Sign-on with IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1?
A.SVC 4.3.1
B.DS8000 Release 4.2
C.DS5000 (Firmware
D.Brocade switches managed by DCFM

13.When submitting a storage optimization report job, will data be physically moved from one storage pool to another?
A.Yes. Data will be physically moved to target pool.
B.No. No physical data move will be done; it will only be simulated.
C.Yes. Data will be physically moved to target pool but only when in the same format (CKD or FB).
D.Yes. Data will be physically moved to target pool, but only when in the same type of subsystem.
000-002 pdf Answer:B

14.Given a successful installation of IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, which directory contains the current Device server logs?

15.How can a user validate that the data agents are registered successfully on the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI tree?
A.Data Manager-> Data/Storage Resource agents
B.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center-> agents
C.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center-> Data agents
D.Administrative Services->Data Sources->Data/Storage Resource agents
000-002 vce Answer:D

16.In the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI, where can it be verified if a switch is enabled for performance monitoring?
A.Fabric Manager -> Fabrics
B.Administrative Services -> Data Sources -> CIMOM agents
C.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> Topology -> Switches
D.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> Configuration Utility, Fabric Manager tab

17.Which information is collected from computers during the probe job?
A.information about disks and disk controllers
B.health information about fabric components
C.information about file types and their ownership
D.information about operating system resources (swap-space, memory, and so on)
000-002 exam Answer:A

18.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1 (Tivoli Storage Productivity Center) license is required for using the storage performance optimizer?
A.Basic Editon
B.Standard Edition
C.Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Disk
D.Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data

19.Policies are enforced when defined conditions are detected by a monitoring job. What are two requirements to be used in the Policy management function to manage and enforce policies? (Choose  two.)
C.Security levels
D.System enforcer
E.Data Management tool
000-002 dumps Answer:A B

20.Which group does the installer’s user ID have to belong to when installing DB2 on a Windows platform?
B.DB2 Users Group
C.Administrator Group
D.Windows Systems Group

21.For computer and file system groups in Data Manager, a Group By Cluster check box is displayed. What happens if this option is selected?
A.The Available pane displays a cluster name next to any clustered computers and cluster resource groups.
B.The Available pane automatically filters and hides any cluster aware computers from being displayed in the list.
C.The Available pane provides an additional option of being able to filter and hide cluster aware computers from being displayed in the list.
D.The Available pane displaying any computer or cluster resource group that belongs to a PowerHA or MSCS Cluster is grouped under its cluster name.
000-002 pdf Answer:D

22.What are two prerequisites for IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center to launch external tools? (Choose two.)
A.It can be launched with a URL.
B.It is a locally installed application.
C.It must support Web 2.0 standard.
D.It is a platform independent Java application.
E.It runs in the same WebSphere server that the data server runs in.
Answer:A B

23.What is the minimum number of servers required to install DB2, IBM Tivoli Agent Manager and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for a small customer environment consisting of a single DS8000 and 10 host machines?
000-002 vce Answer:A

24.How many zone member(s) does a zone contain?
D.Check with vendor documentation to see what is supported.

25.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center license is necessary for IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center –> Analytics function usage?
A.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data
B.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Basic Edition
C.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Limited Edition
D.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Standard Edition
000-002 exam Answer:D

26.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1 media disk image contains the Storage Resource agent installation packages?
A.Disk 1
B.Disk 2
C.Disk 3
D.both Disk 1 and Disk 2

27.Upon completion of the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center (Tivoli Storage Productivity Center) upgrade, the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center database must be migrated by using the database migration tool. Which choice represents the database migration tools that can be executed to perform the database migration?
A.db2update.bat or db2update.sh
B.migratetables.bat or migratetables.sh
C.partitiontables.bat or partitiontables.sh
D.migratepartitions.bat or migratepartitions.sh
000-002 dumps Answer:C

28.Which jobs need to run in order to populate the database with all available information for a storage subsystem?
A.Probe and Scan
B.Discovery and Scan
C.Discovery and Probe
D.Probe and Performance Monitor

29.Which is a valid triggering condition for the scan job alert?
A.Scan Failed
B.Scan Completed Successfully
C.Scan Completed with Warnings
D.Scan found more than 10,000 files
000-002 pdf Answer:A

30.Which task must be performed before gathering information about NetWare volumes?
A.Create profiles to define which Netware servers to scan.
B.Create quotes to control how many NetWare volumes should be pinged and scanned.
C.Configure Device Manager to discover all the NetWare servers in NDS trees and then run a ping job.
D.Define a scan and include the NetWare volumes and file systems for which you want to gather detailed
storage information.

000-002 dumps

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